Arizona Field Staff Documents

The Company provides these website addresses as a convenience only and does not endorse or otherwise verify the courses offered thereon.Please let us know if, for religious reasons, you need accommodations for taking off Saturdays, or any other religious holidays. We will make reasonable accommodations for these requests and priority status will be based on other availability criteria.

The Party Staff, Inc. is committed to resolving your workplace complaints and is therefore introducing a new employee hotline. Please download the attached information form for details on the new hotline. As always, if you have any questions about the Company’s policies or procedures relating to investigations of reported misconduct, please speak with a member of management and/or consult the Company’s Employee Handbook.

Please note that some clients may require that The Party Staff complete a criminal background check prior to your assignment on those clients’ events. Should you choose not to authorize the background check, you may not be eligible for assignment to those clients’ events now or in the future. If an updated criminal background check is required by a client, you will be asked to sign the necessary authorization to complete the investigation. The Party Staff will pass on the results of the criminal background search only directly to that client.

The Party Staff

Federal Posters
